Manuka Honey
  • Transparency - Trace your Honey

    Quality and Testing

    Many of our honeys are tested for MGO (Methylglyoxal) levels, ensuring their potency and authenticity. Specifically, Wedderspoon honey is rigorously tested to meet or exceed the required Manuka pollen content percentages, ensuring high-quality, raw, and unpasteurised honey rather than testing. We are also developing a new variety with our beekeepers in New Zealand that will be tested for both MGO and organic certification, aiming to be the first of its kind in the UK and Europe.

    Sustainable and Ethical Practices

    • Shipping: We avoid air freight, opting for shipping to reduce environmental impact, even though it takes around three months.
    • Local Initiatives: Partnering with Bee Gone a local bee removal service in Shere, Surrey, we are establishing a charity called Pollen Promise to rehome local bees found in unsuitable nesting locations.
    • Charity Support: Collaborating with Wedderspoon in the US to support several charities
      • The Honeybee Conservancy at the Rodale Institute
      • Mind Body Green Community
      • The Bee Cause Project
    • Packaging: We reuse incoming boxes to reduce waste and use compostable chips for parcel cushioning.

    Product and Environmental Responsibility

    • Our Wedderspoon Honeyis never air freighted, only shipped taking 3 months but it is much less damaging!
    • Propolis Pro Throat Syrup: Utilises honey from jars that are cosmetically damaged but of high quality, preventing waste.
    • Moveit Capsules: Development of smaller packaging to offer better deals per capsule, reduce plastic use, and minimise packaging size for deliveries.

    Customer Assurance

    We aim to provide complete transparency regarding the quality and source of our honey. Every jar of our Manuka honey is 100% authentic and traceable to the hive. We back our claims with detailed paperwork for each batch, ensuring you receive genuine Manuka honey. Simply contact us for the documentation you need to verify the source and quality of your honey.

    For further details, inquiries, or to request batch-specific documentation, please contact us through our website or social media channels. Your trust in our products is our top priority, and we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and transparency.

    Contact Us Here to see your Honey's Journey from the Hive